Wednesday, February 18, 2009

weee got into festivals!

Whether you are in Beverly Hills, LA or Toronto, CA you can see our videos:
Efehan's animation teaser "The Gunslingers" was accepted into The Beverly Hills Shorts Fest, say I said hi if you see him there.
Friday Feb 27th 6pm "Animated Program"

Also, though you're probably sick of if it, my video "Close encounter" was accepted into the Images festival, details will be sorted out soon. I will practice for Q&A this year.
22nd annual edition, to be held April 2-11, 2009

We also made a new webisode, with a valentines theme.
Smooches and Ohhh's <3 FamCon

Monday, February 2, 2009

Family Contact Expansion

we are spreading out.
Olde vid, new look.

MYSPACE we are hheeeeerrrrreeee!
FamilyContactPresents on MYSPACE

FanArt Contest: The Gunslingers So enter a drawing or something (by February 15th, email us, or give by hand) and you will almost definitely win a VIP pass to the 1st episode release party(as well as have your art on the website!), and a signed copy of the "Greatest Hits, yet" DVD coming from us, sooner or lazer.

Stay chill.